Public universities in Turkey
In this article, we will talk about Public universities in Turkey.
In a previous publication, we had talked about the renaissance of university education in Turkey, the high level it has reached, and the advantages of university education in Turkey.
In this bulletin, we will talk about public universities in Turkey. And in a future bulletin, we will talk about the rest of the species.
There are two types of universities in Turkey:
1- Public universities.
2- Endowment universities. These are either established by endowment institutions, or founded by individuals or families who made them endowments, and they enjoy a government license.
Currently, the number of universities in Turkey is generally about 210. Out of these universities, there are 131 public universities distributed in all Turkish states.
In Istanbul , there are 13 public universities. As for Ankara, there are 5 public universities, and the rest of the universities are distributed among the rest of the states.
Among the public universities are ancient and ancient universities, such as the six-century-old Istanbul University, which was founded by Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror after the conquest of Istanbul (Constantinople).
And Istanbul Technical University, which was established in the year 1773 AD, during the reign of Sultan Mustafa III.
And Bogazici University, known as the University of Bosphorus, which was established in 1863 by an American institution and then transferred to the ownership of the Turkish government. And there are modern universities that were established in the Republican era.
Public universities are generally distinguished by the presence of a distinguished teaching staff, and their annual fees are low compared to private universities, as they range between 400$ and 10,000$ annually, and it varies according to the majors of the faculties and the language of study.
But affiliation with public universities requires a special examination for admission, so a secondary school certificate is not sufficient.
The following is a list of public universities in Istanbul:
website: (https://www.boun.edu.tr).
- Galatasaray University.
website: (https://gsu.edu.tr)
- İstanbul Medeniyet University.
website: (https://www.medeniyet.edu.tr/tr)
- İstanbul Teknik University.
website: (https://www.itu.edu.tr)
- İstanbul University.
website: (https://www.istanbul.edu.tr/tr)
- İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa.
website: (https://www.iuc.edu.tr/tr)
- Marmara University.
website: (https://www.marmara.edu.tr)
- Milli Savunma University.
website: (https://msu.edu.tr/)
- Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar University.
website: (https://msgsu.edu.tr)
- Türk-Alman University.
website: (https://www.tau.edu.tr)
- Türk-Japon Bilim ve Teknoloji University.
website: (http://tju.edu.tr/)
- Sağlık Bilimleri University.
website: (https://www.sbu.edu.tr/)
- Yıldız Teknik University.
website: (https://yildiz.edu.tr)
Al-Hayat Company is at your service to provide all the necessary additional information and details about the best options for universities, the appropriate areas for them, the cost of living in the region, and other things that are necessary. You can contact us by Email or phone.
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